Introduction to Terraform

Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and manage infrastructure resources across various cloud providers and on-prem environments. Whether you're provisioning servers, databases, or networking components, Terraform offers a consistent workflow to streamline and automate your infrastructure setup.

In this blog series, we'll cover the foundational concepts of Terraform, including:

  • What is Terraform?

  • Benefits of using Terraform over traditional manual provisioning.

  • Getting started with Terraform: Setting up your environment.

  • Writing your first Terraform configuration file.

  • Understanding providers, resources, and modules.

  • Exploring Terraform commands

    1. Terraform Init
  • Purpose: Initializes a new or existing Terraform configuration.

  • Usage: Downloads the necessary provider plugins and sets up the working directory.

    terraform init
  1. Terraform Plan
  • Purpose: Generates an execution plan.

  • Usage: Displays the changes Terraform will make to your infrastructure without applying them.

    terraform plan
  1. Terraform Apply
  • Purpose: Applies the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration.

  • Usage: Executes the plan to create or modify infrastructure resources.

    terraform apply

You can also auto-approve the changes:

    terraform apply -auto-approve
  1. Terraform Destroy
  • Purpose: Destroys the resources defined in the Terraform configuration.

  • Usage: Removes all the infrastructure created by Terraform.

    terraform destroy

Use -auto-approve to skip confirmation:

    terraform destroy-auto-approve
  1. Terraform Validate
  • Usage: Ensures that your .tf files are written correctly.
  • Purpose: Validates the syntax of the Terraform configuration files.

  •   terraform validate
  1. Terraform FMT
  • Purpose: Formats the Terraform configuration files to follow best practices.

  • Usage: Adjusts indentation and layout for readability.

terraform fmt
  1. Terraform Output

    Purpose: Reads and displays output values from your Terraform state.

    Usage: Fetches values of defined outputs after a successful apply.

terraform output
  1. Terraform Show

    Purpose: Displays detailed information about the Terraform state or plan.

    Usage: Useful for debugging or inspecting the current state.

terraform show
  1. Terraform State

    Purpose: Manages the Terraform state file.

    Subcommands: Includes list, mv, rm, and show.

terraform state list
  1. Terraform Import

    Purpose: Imports existing infrastructure into your Terraform state.

    Usage: Useful for integrating with pre-existing resources.

terraform import <resource_type.resource_name> <resource_id>

By the end of this series, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to start building your own infrastructure using Terraform.